Friday, February 13, 2009


Can a person be happy just because they are? There are people out there that have such bubbly personalities they make those around them either happy or irritated. A questions was asked of me why was I so happy and my reply was I'm just happy. Their response was there has to be a reason why. People are not just happy for no reason. I looked at the person and asked them why were they so sad and upset with life. It stunned them and their response was a quick angry response, "I'm not". Could of fooled me. Ask yourself why are you happy. Happiness comes and goes for many but no matter how you are feeling or what is going on in your life happiness is a state of mind. One in which you think and ponder on daily. It's like taking lemons and making the best lemonade possible. Life can give us many reasons to be sad and frustrated but it can also give us memorable moments that carry us through the rough spots.

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