Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Expand Your Circle

For those of you who are looking for new friends or new experiences, expand your circle. You know what circle I'm talking about. We all live in our own world with our close net family and friends. We often get so comfortable with our net we rarely cast it out to catch any new friends and God forbid we don't accept strangers into our family very well. It's safe and nonthreatening that way. I once read a book from Dr. Neil Warren - eharmony guy. In this book he challenges the reader that if you want to find a mate, you have to expand your circle of friends. Position yourself to find new friends. Volunteer with new people. Go to different places and do things different. Well, this year I made a pack with myself that I had to get out of the rut I was in. To expand my circle and step out of my comfort zone and make new friends and forge new relationships I had to act or propel myself forward. If you don't know, I am an introvert who plays and extrovert for the sake of being able to function in a world made for extroverts. I am very comfortable going days without leaving the house or talking to anyone but my husband. I once thought that I had some type of phobia but now I realize that I am just content. To make a long story short, today I really stepped out of my space and stretched my circle. I met someone today that made me want to become friends and to reach outside myself to bond. Before leaving to meet this person I really prayed that God would give me the patience to listen and the gentleness to be able to walk away if it didn't work. I really didn't want another freindship that would drain my joy or become so cumbersome that I withdrew even more. Boy, God made this connection and it was so clear in the first two minutes. Yes, my circle did grow today and so did I. Everyday I expect God to show me, me. I expect him to grow me out of me and help me to grow into him. It's hard to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and that's where I am with God. The more he shows me me, the more uncomfortable I am. What if God was an introvert and never forged relationships outside his close netted family and friends? Where would I be today. I thank you father for showing initiative. Thanks for modeling the way.